Let My People Go


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Let My People Go

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Also entitled, “Go Down Moses,” this Negro Spiritual refers to the Israelite exodus from Egypt from slavery to freedom. The theme naturally echoed the plight and feelings of slaves in America and gave them inspiration. Jews often sing this song on the holiday of Pesach (Passover) which commemorates the exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land.


Also entitled, “Go Down Moses,” this Negro Spiritual refers to the Israelite exodus from Egypt from slavery to freedom. The theme naturally echoed the plight and feelings of slaves in America and gave them inspiration. Jews often sing this song on the holiday of Pesach (Passover) which commemorates the exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land.

The earliest written evidence and sheet music publication of this song was called “Oh! Let My People Go: The Song of the Contrabands” in 1862. Contraband is the term meaning runaway slaves during the American Civil War. The song has been recorded by numerous musicians such as Paul Robeson, Louis Armstrong, Fats Waller, Archie Shepp, and others.

This is the RebbeSoul recording.

Drums: Joel Alpers

Guitar: RebbeSoul (Bruce Burger)

Bass: Deep Den Smith

Piano: Steve Carter

Percussion: Cassio Duarte

Vocals: Neeyah Lynn Rose

Traditional, arranged and produced by RebbeSoul (Bruce Burger)

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