This video, created by JLTV is for "Yom Ha’Atzmaut," Israel’s Day of Independence and "Yom HaZicharon," the Day of Remembrance, honoring our fallen soldiers who unselfishly gave their lives so that we may live.  I have always thought it fitting to start with a solemn day of respect and remembrance and only after that to celebrate our nation's independence.

update May 2024: "Nigun Ha’Chayal" is “The Soldier’s Song.”  It is dedicated to the soldiers who stand guard and defend the Jewish people and now, dedicated to  Jewish students around the world who are facing antisemitic threats as part of their everyday lives on campus. Let us all support them in any way we can.



"Adir Hu" is one of the famous songs of the Passover seder.

Directed by Stephanie Liss.  Edited by Samuel Asher.  Melody by R. Shlomo Carlebach.  Bass by Moran Baron.  All other instruments and programming by RebbeSoul.  Recorded in Israel. Mixed and mastered by Amit Golan at Super Sonic Studios.  Produced and arranged by RebbeSoul.

V'Shamru of From Another World

Modeh Ani
Vocal by Danielle Bitton
Music by RebbeSoul
shot on locaton in Cape Town, South Africa

English translation:
I am thankful to be in Your Presence
Supreme Master of all life and existence
You restore within me my life force with care.
How great is Your trust

Kaddish from Change The World With A Sound